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Remnants of the Danish Otherkin Community
Laying out all information I've been able to find on the Danish otherkin community.
9th of December, 2024

Change and Loss
I've always been told that a kintype won't leave you if you're really otherkind, but what if that's not true?
14th of June, 2024

Musings on my childhood, pre-awakening.
9th of November, 2023

Why the Buffalo Roam
Humans oughta ask a bison why we migrate.
24th of August, 2023

Hero's Lament
An explanation of what it really means to be a "hero" archetrope.
12th of August, 2023

Defining Paratypes - Once and For All
For five years I've been haunted by this monster of my own making. I finally found the energy to define it. Good riddance!
22nd of June, 2023

A Wolf Therian Can Have Blue Eyes
A rebuttal to the age old "you're not a real wolf because wolves don't do X, Y, or Z" argument.
18th of June, 2023

I Have Trouble Letting Go of my Fictionkinity
Struggling with shifts, reinforcing my fictionkinity to my own detriment.
13th of March, 2023

Identifying "With"
An exploration of otherheartedness and other identifications "with" something, ending with yet another word coining.
26th of November, 2022

Physical Shapeshifting is Fata Morgana
Using facts and logic to refute claims of physical shapeshifting.
8th of October, 2022

I'm Ben, But Call Me Poppy
An in-depth explanation of how and why I'm Ben 10 fictionkind and how it affects my day-to-day. One of the essays I'm most proud of.
24th of July, 2022

Inventing more words, this time out of snark more than necessity.
6th of December, 2021

Gentle Alterhumanity
Examining how my alterhumanity's presentation has changed after/during a very stressful period of my life in which I've had to remove myself from the community.
23rd of November, 2021

Being Bison
An exploration of my bison awakening and self-perception, with particular focus on how it intersects with my gender.
24th of March, 2021

Choice or Chance?: Exploring voluntarity and categorization in the otherkin and therian communities
The transcript for my Othercon 2021 lecture, in which I examine the way we categorize nonhumans based on the perceived amount of choice they have in their identity, and how this practice is detrimental to both questioning people and our community as a whole. At the end, I propose a different way to define otherkind and otherlinkers to hopefully move our community forward.
15th of August, 2021

The Red Herring
A brief explanation of how the focus on childhood memories, when trying to validate your identity, is a distraction from the experiences that really form your identity.
19th of July, 2021

On Kinnies and Kinning
A much more generous look at 'kinnies' than is usually seen on tumblr, in service of trying to understand where this phenomenon comes from.
5th of July, 2021

Noemata: Background, definition, and use
A full and (hopefully) final explanation of the term 'noema'/'noemata' as it is used in the nonhuman and alterhuman communities.
18th of June, 2021

Causal Beliefs
A list of all the beliefs about causes of otherkinity that I was aware of at the time.
13th of December, 2020

The Nature of Otherkinity
A short essay in which I try to summarize exactly what kind of phenomenon otherkinity is, as it can't be fully encompassed by terms like "spiritual," "religious," or "psychological."
24th of March, 2017

A Barrier of Humanness & A Secondary Kintype
Musings on what my secondary kintype may be, and how my human traits make questioning difficult, written several months before my gnoll awakening.
22nd of February, 2017

On 'Kin of' Language and Semantics
A short essay in which I argue why using 'kin of' instead of the more common 'kin with' is an unnecessary change to force on the community, and why the criticisms levelled at 'kin with' are not reflective of every individual's experiences with species.
13th of January, 2017

Questions and Answers
On my tumblr blog I've answered a lot of questions over the years. It doesn't make sense to archive them all on individual pages, so I've just saved the most noteworthy asks here, sorted by year.

Q&A - 2023

Q&A - 2022

Q&A - 2021

Q&A - 2020

Q&A - 2019

Q&A - 2018

Q&A - 2017

Q&A - 2016
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