I'm otherkind, otherhearted, have multiple synpaths and paratypes, and I live with xenomelia, which I also claim as an alterhuman experience. More specifically, I'm a bison therian, gnollkind, and Ben Tennyson fictionkind. My hearttypes are unicorns, spiders, and Tarzan (but only the Disney version).
I first started lurking around the otherkind community in 2013, when I was 14, but didn't start contributing until my awakening at 18. At the essays page you'll find most of the alterhuman writings I've shared since 2016. They may not all be relevant at this point, since this community moves fast and my opinions are subject to change, but they're a part of me, and the commmunity, nonetheless. And who knows, you may find something interesting once you dig in.
At the art page you'll find my alterhuman art.
At the noematapedia page you'll find encyclopedic (read: dry, boring, systematic) collections of noemata I have of my kintypes.
At the library page you'll find writings from other folks that I, for one reason or another, find interesting enough to archive here.
Finally, here's three little self-portraits I did back in '21 :)