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Alterhuman links

Fictionkind Dreamwidth Community
A journaling community for all fiction-related identities (not limited to fictionkind).

Nonhuman National Park
A forum focused on building bridges between the different subcommunities in the larger nonhuman/alterhuman community.

Otherkin Wiki
A recently created wiki centered on the otherkin community, with quite a few more generally alterhuman-related articles.

Alterhuman Archive
The to-date largests collection of alterhuman writings.

Beyond Humanity
This site is run by Kiera, a dragon who has been in the community since 2014. One of the highlights of this website is a dictionary of all common and uncommon lingo in the alterhuman community.

House of Chimeras
House of Chimeras is a multiple system that has been in the alterhuman community for about 15 years. Their website hosts a ton of personal writings, resources, and community history.

Writing links
Writer Beware
A blog sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, highlighting scams, schemes, and pitfalls of the literary industry and providing advice for writers.

The beginning of my long battle with internet addiction.

Resources For Describing Physical Things
A list of descriptive words for a multitude of settings and objects.

This is where I find my crunchy old-looking tile backgrounds :)

Site Map