Now day, like a great white Bull,
Shambles among the dewy corn,
Massive-limbed, and broad, and full,
Two curves of the sun for horn;
Winged Bull Assyrian,
Twain blue wings that heaven span.
— Sherard Vines —

The bull is power, virility, and courage, his persistence is incomparable. The bull is protection, for those he deem his own, and death for those he won't. The bull speaks clearly to those who listen, and clearer to those who don't.

17,000 years ago, a human family adorned their home with life-sized frescoes of aurochsen. These bulls existed before humanity and cattle became entertwined in domesticity, and have since outlived the live aurochs. May they eternally gallop across the cave walls, illuminated by firelight or protected by darkness.

Six bulls I saw as black as jet,
With crimsoned horns and amber eyes
That chewed their cud without a fret,
And swished to brush away the flies,
Unwitting their soon sacrifice.
— Robert Service —
Man swiftly made the bull his beast, and the bull and his herd flourished. But in return, the untamed bulls became more prized and suffered at man's hand. The noblest of prey, whose death was prized higher than his life, it's a wonder the aurochsen survived as long as they did. When humans reached their time of "enlightenment," the wild bull was no more. Only those who stood by man's side had survived.